Weatherseal performance matters in windows, that's why our windows are supplied with Q-Lon pre-inserted into all sections.

Trust the world’s best weatherseal gasket.
- Best acoustic and thermal performance across the widest temperature range.
- 99% memory recovery. Retains shape year after year.
- Low operating forces reduces wear and tear and gives ease of operation.
- Leaves no rigid sprue after welding.
- 20 year guarantee.

Great performance everytime
The charts below show the compression performance and set when compared with competitor gaskets, this demonstrated the recovery of the gasket after compression thus ensuring consistent performance after your windows are opened and closed, particularly if they are left closed for a long time.

The graph below shows the weather performance against competitor gaskets and demonstrates that Q-Lon provides less air leakage over a wide temperature range when compared to our competitors.

Setting the standard.
The world's best weatherseal gasket. Excellent compression recovery of 99%.

Energy efficiency
Reaching higher.
Window Energy Rating - The future of energy efficient windows from the BFRC.

Product colours
Expanding the choice.
Our comprehensive suite of products are available in a range of standard and prestige finishes.

Built-in security
Designed in.
Our new Sac shootbolt system is specially designed to be flexible and adaptable.