Comfort, Security, and Energy Saving uPVC Windows

With Kingfisher Windows we offer a wide range and variety of styles - we are committed to help you find the solution that is perfect for your home.
The quality of our products and installations is unbeatable and our attention to detail is unrivalled.
Our windows benefit from the latest in double glazing technology making them energy efficient and highly secure. You can choose from our wide range of colour finishes and glazing options to ensure you find a style of double glazing to suit you home.
Click below for more information on our products

Setting the standard.
The world's best weatherseal gasket. Excellent compression recovery of 99%.

Energy efficiency
Reaching higher.
Window Energy Rating - The future of energy efficient windows from the BFRC.

Product colours
Expanding the choice.
Our comprehensive suite of products are available in a range of standard and prestige finishes.

Built-in security
Designed in.
Our new Sac shootbolt system is specially designed to be flexible and adaptable.